Support us

by donating

TASC Madagascar is extremely grateful for all support. We really encourage our supporters to give a little every month if they can, rather than a one off payment. This allows us to budget for longer term programmes which reflect our aim of supporting self-sustainability rather than a “quick fix”. If you have any particular preference for how you would like your donation spent, please do let us know.

If you would like to support by way of a standing order, please download a donation form below.

A little goes a very long way in Madagascar

The following examples give you an idea of how you can help:


Less than 20p per day! This can provide basic essentials like life-saving health care and life-changing education.


  • Will help pay for the nurses and paramedics who diagnose and treat leprosy and TB.
  • Will help allow a paramedic to see around 1,000 patients each year and diagnose them. They will also give them advice and treatment for their illness, or refer them to other services if necessary.
  • Will help under-resourced local health systems to deliver a better quality of care by screening the population for diseases, making patient registration more efficient and improving the quality of information kept on patients’ records.
  • Will help rehabilitate people recovering from diseases so that they are not only cured, but also able to play a full role in society once more.


  • Will help pay for a surgeon for one year.
  • Will help enable a surgeon to operate on more than 600 patients in one year.
  • Will help enable a surgeon to perform reconstructive surgery to hands and feet which have been damaged because of leprosy letting people lead independent lives in the future.
  • Will help enable a surgeon to operate on eyes unable to close because of leprosy, restoring the ability to blink, so protecting their eyes from damage, and thereby saving their sight.


Please use the forms below to make a one-off gift or, if you possibly can, a regular donation.

Please remember the all-important Gift Aid Form.

You can also use the bank details on the monthly giving form to set up a standing order through your online bank account.

TASC Madagascar’s bank details are:

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 49 High Street, Winchester SO23 9BU Sort Code 30-99-71 Account Number 00067207


Please send completed forms to the Treasurer, TASC Madagascar, April Martin, 12 Deep Ghyll Walk, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 1RL  or scan and email to:


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