ome of the Guides with one of the new houses they raised funds to build in a village which had burned down
A group of Guides from North Yorkshire visited Madagascar last month to experience this wonderful island and to help support our friends in and around Vohipeno. Hannah, aged 16, summed up her memories:
“What struck me most about Madagascar was how happy the people there are. From our western culture’s point of view, they live in poverty and yet they are so much happier than we are. The pride they have in the little they have is so inspiring, just like when the king of the outcast village showed us his house, it was amazing how much they treasure each and every blessing they have. I wish we could reflect their gratitude and happiness back in England and follow the same priorities they do. I’m so grateful I was given the opportunity to meet these people and experience their truly inspiring way of life.”
The Guides stayed in Tanjomoha and helped to renovate a canteen which serves 75 children every day. More photos can be seen on the TASC Madagascar Facebook page – see link on the right of this page
Well done and thank you to you all!

Some of the Guides hard at work

A Guiding hand